Core Data For Mac

The NSPersistentDocument class is a subclass of NSDocument that is designed to easily integrate into the Core Data framework. It provides methods to access a document-wide NSManagedObjectContext object, and provides default implementations of methods to read and write files using the persistence framework.

Core Data Mac Os X Tutorial


In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, start using Core Data to build powerful data-driven apps for iOS devices and Mac OS X computers! Using this book's straightforward, step-by-step approach, you'll discover how Apple's built-in data persistence framework can help you meet any data-related requirement, from casual to enterprise-class. Basic Core Data At this point, you’ve implemented an application that keeps track of an array of objects, takes care of undo, and handles saving and loading from - Selection from Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, Third Edition Book.

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CoreCore Data For Mac



By default the Core Data framework creates a merged model from all models in the application bundle ([NSBundle mainBundle]). You can reimplement this property and return a specific model to use to create persistent stores. Driver full for mac os. A typical implementation might include code similar to the following fragment:


Special Considerations

In applications built in OS X v10.4, by default the Core Data framework creates a merged model from all the models found in the application bundle and the frameworks against which the application is linked.

Core Data Form 10400

See Also

func configurePersistentStoreCoordinator(for: URL, ofType: String, modelConfiguration: String?, storeOptions: [String : Any]?)

Configures the receiver’s persistent store coordinator with the appropriate stores for a given URL.

When you install Microsoft Windows on your Mac, Boot Camp Assistant automatically opens the Boot Camp installer, which installs the latest Windows support software (drivers).If that doesn't happen, or you experience any of the following issues while using Windows on your Mac, follow the steps in this article. Install Windows on your Mac. Boot Camp is a utility that comes with your Mac and lets you switch between macOS and Windows. Download your copy of Windows 10, then let Boot Camp Assistant walk you through the installation steps. With Boot Camp, you can install Microsoft Windows 10 on your Mac, then switch between macOS and Windows when restarting your Mac. Follow the onscreen instructions to install Boot Camp and Windows support software (drivers). You will be asked to restart when done. To see how much memory your Mac has, choose Apple menu About This Mac. Apple mac mini 2010 support for windows 10 with bootcamp.

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func persistentStoreType(forFileType: String) -> String

Core Data Macos Tutorial

Returns the type of persistent store associated with the specified file type.